Additional Information
IT Support Center
The Northwestern IT Support Center provides technical support for IT services to members of the Northwestern University community. On-campus technical support of laptop computers is provided at the IT Service Point through the Laptop ER program. Visit for more information.
How to Find Help
Looking for technical assistance? Choose one of the options below to locate support that best fits your technical need.
- Search the Knowledge Base
The IT Service Manager Knowledge Base is an online information center where Northwestern University students, faculty, and staff can find answers to commonly asked questions about Northwestern IT services. Click the categories to display a current listing of all Knowledge Base articles for the selected subject. -
Call Top Network IT at 852-34905223 (1-HELP)
Call Top Network IT during business hours for assistance. If necessary, you may be transferred to a specialist who can better address your specific issue. Sometimes this will require transferring you to a department outside TOPNET IT. -
Chat Online
If you don’t have access to a phone, chat with TopNet IT during open business hours . Northwestern IT can provide you with basic advice and guidance and point you to appropriate Web pages to address your issue. -
Send an Email Message
If your issue is not an urgent one, or you have a question outside of TOPNETWORK IT's business hours , and you don’t have access to a Web browser or your NetID isn’t working, you can submit your question or issue via email to . Please make sure your email message has complete information about your issue, including your NetID and exact error messages, if applicable. -
Submit an Online Request
If your issue is not an urgent one, or you have a question outside of the Top Net IT Support Center’s business hours , you can submit your question or issue via the IT Service Manager. You will need your NetID and NetID password to log into this self-service site. Please make sure the description you enter has complete information about your issue, including exact error messages you might be receiving.
Click here for a short video showing how to submit a support request using the IT Service Manager. -
Visit the IT Service Point
If you are experiencing an issue with your laptop computer, stop by the Laptop ER table at the IT Service Point for TopNet IT to troubleshoot your issue. You should continue to call the Northwestern IT Support Center for basic assistance and visit Laptop ER for hands-on support of issues that cannot be resolved over the telephone. -
Visit the TopNet IT Support Center in Hong Kong
If you have an issue with your NetID password, stop by the Northwestern IT Support Center during open business hours to receive a new activation code for your NetID. -
Use the NetID Support Kiosk in Chicago
If you have an issue with your NetID password and you’re on the Chicago campus, visit the NetID Support Kiosk in the WildCARD office during open business hours to receive a new activation code for your NetID. - Watch TopNet IT How-To and Informational Videos on YouTube You can watch consultants provide step-by-step video instructions to some of the most frequently asked questions on the TopNet IT Communications YouTube Channel . Follow along as they show you how to do things like connect to the wireless or just what you need to know about TopNet IT.
Additional Information
- Trouble Logging In?
- IT Support Center Hours and Location
- Support Offered
- NUIT Service Point
- Laptop ER
- Work @ the IT Support Center
Support Contacts
IT Support Center
Central service desk for students, faculty, and staff.
852-34905223 (1-HELP)
Submit a Support Request
Top Network Technology 提供一站式IT服務,讓您可專注於自己的業務,我們的服務包括: it consultancy it managing 電腦 公司 電腦 保養 computer support technical consulting technical managing technical support computer management IT 顧問 computer outsource IT 保養 電腦 支援 technical provider computer service it solution IT 支援 IT 公司 電腦 外判 technical consultancy IT 月費 technical management technical service computer consulting technical outsource it management it outsourcing computer maintenance computer company computer consultant computer solution computer managing computer outsourcing 電腦 服務 電腦 月費 it consultant technical maintenance IT 外判 it maintenance it service it company pc support computer provider technical solution it support 電腦 顧問 technical company it provider technical consultant it outsource pc maintenance computer consultancy technical outsourcing it consulting 電腦 server 電腦 伺服器 ,歡迎來電查詢,熱線:34905223。
computer company
Top Network Technology Computer Company is proud to be your single source for information system service and sales, networking, application development and printer repair in HK. We primary goal is to provide quality computer and related equipment sales and service.
computer consultancy
Top Network Technology Computer Consultancy is a unique IT company in Hong Kong, specialising in the integration of on-premise IT environments with cloud based systems, data and processes. Building on the principles of business value, automation, scalability and agility, we take organisations from virtualisation to cloud based environments – with solutions that can be viewed and managed as an extension of your internal computing platform.
IT 顧問
Top Network多年來為數百間公司提供IT顧問服務,作為多間中港企業IT橋樑,我們一直以客戶利益為出發點,提供敦本務實的解決方案,與客戶一起迅速成長。
IT 公司
Top Network是建基於香港的IT公司,我們的專業技術顧問團隊, 誠意為不同客戶提供成本低, 效益高的電腦解決方案.
technical company
Top Network are information Technical Company in Hong Kong. We primary goal is to provide quality computer and related equipment sales and service.
computer consultant
Computer consultants are information technology professionals with proven expertise in a specific area of information technology. There are two main types of computer consultants; functional and technical.
it management
IT management is the discipline whereby all of the information technology resources of a firm are managed in accordance with its needs and priorities.
it consultant
An IT consultant is a third-party service provider who is qualified to advise clients on the best use of IT to meet specific business requirements. IT consultants may work with a professional IT consultancy firm or as independent contractors. They may conduct a business needs assessment and develop an information systems solution that meets the organization's objectives. Some information technology consultants emphasize technical issues while others help organizations use IT to manage business processes. Still others specialize in a specific IT area such as information security.
technical support
Technical support (often shortened to tech support) refers to a plethora of services by which enterprises provide assistance to users of technology products such as mobile phones, televisions, computers, software products or other electronic or mechanical goods. In general, technical support services attempt to help the user solve specific problems with a product rather than providing training, customization, or other support services. Most companies offer technical support for the products they sell, either freely available or for a fee. Technical support may be delivered over by e-mail, live support software on a website, or a tool where users can log a call or incident. Larger organizations frequently have internal technical support available to their staff for computer-related problems. The Internet can also be a good source for freely available tech support, where experienced users help users find solutions to their problems.[not verified in body] In addition, some fee-based service companies charge for premium technical support services.
it solution
Top Network Technology & IT Solution is proud to be your single source for information system service and sales, networking, application development and printer repair in HK. We primary goal is to provide quality computer and related equipment sales and service.
it consulting
An IT consulting is a third-party service provider who is qualified to advise clients on the best use of IT to meet specific business requirements. IT consultants may work with a professional IT consulting firm or as independent contractors. They may conduct a business needs assessment and develop an information systems solution that meets the organization's objectives. Some information technology consulting emphasize technical issues while others help organizations use IT to manage business processes. Still others specialize in a specific IT area such as information security.
it service
IT Services, part of Information Services at the University of HK, provide IT facilities and resources, plus help, support and training for staff and students.
it managing
It goes without saying that technology has to perform, has to be reliable, useable and functional. And that's all part of IT managing, requiring a combination of technical skills, business acumen, operational awareness and management capabilities. All of these elements combine to create the actionable "ways and means" for IT managing within multiple types of business environments and circumstances.
computer management
In Windows 8, Computer Management contains administrative tools for viewing system log information, managing shared folders, creating new users and performing routine system maintenance.
電腦 支援
領先網絡科技 (Top Network Technology & IT Solution) 擁有強大的電腦維修和技術支援的團隊,充裕的電腦零件庫存,可快速地提供優質及全面的電腦支援服務為客戶解決資訊科技的問題。我們本著客戶為先的精神,目標是和客戶建立長遠的合作伙伴關係,為客戶提供優良和先進的資訊科技方案。
technical service
Technical Service Assistance is committed to providing businesses with reliable Computer Support at a predictable cost. With Network Services that is based on a fixed, monthly rate, you get strategic IT support for a fraction of the cost of employing one full-time IT professional.
pc support
Top Network PC Support services, remote access solutions helps in support and manage user Pcs to provide customized security solutions. Check out Top Network now!
computer maintenance
We have a friendly team of highly skilled IT professionals available to maintain your computer systems. We understand your business needs fast and secure computers to work efficiently, all day, every day. To make sure your system runs perfectly, our team provides high quality computer maintenance by listening to your specific business needs and offering tailored solutions.
it outsource
We provide IT Outsource, Managed Service Providers and Professional IT Support Services in Hong Kong.
電腦 顧問
Top Network電腦服務爲我們的顧客提供一站式全方位電腦顧問服務。我們的電腦顧問服務隊伍經驗豐富,日以繼夜工作,確保委托我們管理的客戶能够享受到一個優質及健康的信息科技環境。Top Network電腦顧問將運用世界頂尖及發展最完善的信息自動化技術之一,隨時爲有需要的企業提供警衛服務。
電腦 公司
領先網絡科技 (Top Network Technology & IT Solution) 是一間一站式的電腦公司,多年來為數百間公司提供IT顧問服務,作為多間中港企業IT橋樑,我們一直以客戶利益為出發點,提供敦本務實的解決方案,與客戶一起迅速成長。
it support
IT Support 套餐專誠為中小企服務,提供電腦保養,確保桌面電腦 / 伺服器及連接在電腦網絡上(LAN)的設備正常運作。 我們也處理更頭痛的問題 – IT 管理人的繁重工作,希望有公司能夠為他們分擔日常的工作如資料備份,桌面電腦維護或減低當機所帶來的破壞。
computer service
At Top Network Computer Service, we guarantee our work. We will provide you with solutions to prevent the problem from occurring again. We understand the frustration that can come with computer systems and we are here to provide our customers the best service possible.
it maintenance
Regular IT maintenance will help your business IT systems run more smoothly and make them less likely to break down, ensuring effective performance and reducing support costs.
Basic IT maintenance (‘housekeeping’) should include archiving old material, deleting redundant files to free up space and defragmenting hard drives so things can be accessed more quickly.
電腦 保養
Top Network電腦資訊科技支援團隊均擁有電腦保養支援(IT Support, Technical Support)的工作經驗,除了具有專業的電腦保養支援及電腦資訊科技知識外(如電腦保養和各類型伺服器),同時對商業營運,如網頁設計,網頁製作,網頁宣傳,網上商店有相當深入的瞭解。
it company
We are IT Company in Hong Kong. We primary goal is to provide quality computer and related equipment sales and service.
it consultancy
For further information on how our IT Consultancy can benefit your company please call +852 34905223 or email
IT 保養
領先網絡科技 (Top Network Technology & IT Solution) 擁有電腦保養支援(IT Support, Technical Support, IT 保養)的工作經驗,除了具有專業的電腦保養支援及電腦資訊科技知識外(如電腦保養和各類型伺服器),同時對商業營運,如網頁設計,網頁製作,網頁宣傳,網上商店有相當深入的瞭解。
computer outsource
Computer outsource is the practice of allowing an outside company to handle services that would normally be performed in-house. Customer service, human resources and distribution are all commonly outsourced departments. While outsourcing a computer doesn’t make much sense, some companies do allow an outside service provider to handle computer services or information technology services for its business. Outsourcing an IT or computer services department has both advantages and disadvantages.
computer support
Computer support is the practice of allowing an outside company to handle services that would normally be performed in-house. Customer service, human resources and distribution are all commonly support departments. While outsourcing a computer doesn’t make much sense, some companies do allow an outside service provider to handle computer services or information technology services for its business. Outsourcing an IT or computer services department has both advantages and disadvantages.
it provider
We are it provider in HK. We will provide you with solutions to prevent the problem from occurring again. We understand the frustration that can come with computer systems and we are here to provide our customers the best service possible.
technical managing
Top Network are technical provider in HongKong. We will provide you with solutions to prevent the problem from occurring again. We understand the frustration that can come with computer systems and we are here to technical managing our customers the best service possible.
IT 外判
IT外判服務. 領先的行業支持服務平台是廣大客戶選擇我們的原因之一。我們的團隊會為您提供一週6天的在線服務,並在第一時間內滿足您的要求。
computer outsourcing
Computer outsourcing is the practice of allowing an outside company to handle services that would normally be performed in-house. Customer service, human resources and distribution are all commonly outsourcing departments. While outsourcing a computer doesn’t make much sense, some companies do allow an outside service provider to handle computer services or information technology services for its business. Outsourcing an IT or computer services department has both advantages and disadvantages.
電腦 外判
IT電腦外判服務. 領先的行業支持服務平台是廣大客戶選擇我們的原因之一。我們的團隊會為您提供一週6天的在線服務,並在第一時間內滿足您的要求。
technical solution
Top Network Technical Solutions business is a leading provider of product and service solutions for enclosing, protecting, and cooling electrical and electronic systems to support automation, control and communication needs across a wide range of industries and verticals. It is a leader in providing a comprehensive range of standard, modified and engineered solutions to the commercial, communications, energy, electronics, industrial, infrastructure, medical, and security & defense industries.
technical consultancy
Top Network Technical Consultancy's goal is to provide independent and professional consultancy services to the Oil Companies and their Contractors.
computer managing
Managing Computers in Wide Area Networks (WAN) As a system administrator, you must do the following: Ensure that the computers in the head office and branch offices are managed efficiently Manage computers of roaming or mobile users who connect to the network using the Internet One of the main challenges that you could face while managing computers in a WAN, are with the bandwidth allocated. There could be bandwidth issues that reduce the speed of data-transfer between computers at the head office and those at the branch office. This could result in costs associated with bandwidth utilization.
technical consultant
A technical consultant brings specific expertise to the design, instruction, or operations of technical solutions. Some technical consultants may work in an instructional capacity with clients, training end users. Others may assist product engineers, or perform other work in manufacturing operations as a technical support person within a production capacity. Those who work as technical consultants may be members of a design team working on a large project. Companies or research labs may bring in a technical consultant to resolve one aspect of an operation.
Generally, those technical consultants who work as developers are recruited to devise a specific solution to a technical issue in developing a product or device. Process consulting applies technical solutions to improving manufacturing operations. A technical consultant may work as a designer of technology, developing new solutions. Those in this capacity are typically either engineers, or they are working closely in a team with engineering expertise.
An engineering technical consultant may be recruited to develop a technical solution to a hurdle that must be circumvented. He or she would then work with the client to gather all relevant facts and assist the company in engineering a technical solution. For example, a manager of an assembly line might conclude that one step in the operation regularly bogs down, idling other workers. An engineering technical consultant would investigate the cause, and propose a solution. This might involve calling in a process engineer who would design the actual solution.
IT 月費
IT電腦月費支援服務. 領先的行業支持服務平台是廣大客戶選擇我們的原因之一。我們的團隊會為您提供一週6天的在線服務,並在第一時間內滿足您的要求。
it outsourcing
IT Outsourcing services from Top Network is the right choice to provide your company's infrastructure management and global help desk needs.
computer consulting
Computer consulting services from Top Network is the right choice to provide your company's infrastructure management and global help desk needs.
technical provider
We are technical provider in Hong Kong. We provide independent and professional consultancy services to the Oil Companies and their Contractors.
technical outsourcing
IT technical outsourcing services from Top Network is the right choice to provide your company's infrastructure management and global help desk needs.
technical outsource
IT technical outsource services from Top Network is the right choice to provide your company's infrastructure management and global help desk needs.
電腦 月費
節省成本,I.T. 外判. 中小企需要定期的電腦保養及維護,以確保系統及網絡於安全的情況下有效率地運作。 為此,Top Network 推出公司電腦月費保養計劃。為中小企提供專業、快速的IT支援服務。
technical maintenance
Professional technical maintenance ensures the operational consistency of a building’s machinery and technical equipment, which is essential to the smooth running of a client’s commercial property.
Encompassing both preventative and corrective maintenance, Atrium’s technical managers are able to call upon an existing internal team and professional sub-contractors able to organise and execute technical maintenance tasks in a timely and cost-effective manner.
Top Network’s technical maintenance team ensures the long-term reduction of a client’s costs and optimisation of standards within a property by extending the life cycle of technical equipment and ensuring machinery is properly serviced.
pc maintenance
Professional pc maintenance ensures the operational consistency of a building’s machinery and technical equipment, which is essential to the smooth running of a client’s commercial property.
Encompassing both preventative and corrective maintenance, Atrium’s technical managers are able to call upon an existing internal team and professional sub-contractors able to organise and execute pc maintenance tasks in a timely and cost-effective manner.
Top Network’s pc maintenance team ensures the long-term reduction of a client’s costs and optimisation of standards within a property by extending the life cycle of technical equipment and ensuring machinery is properly serviced.
technical management
IT technical management services from Top Network is the right choice to provide your company's infrastructure management and global help desk needs.
technical consulting
Top Network’s technical consulting team ensures the long-term reduction of a client’s costs and optimisation of standards within a property by extending the life cycle of technical equipment and ensuring machinery is properly serviced.
computer provider
We are it computer provider in HK. We will provide you with solutions to prevent the problem from occurring again. We understand the frustration that can come with computer systems and we are here to provide our customers the best service possible.
computer solution
We are it computer solution provider in HK. We will provide you with solutions to prevent the problem from occurring again. We understand the frustration that can come with computer systems and we are here to provide our customers the best service possible.
電腦 服務
Top Network電腦服務爲我們的顧客提供一站式全方位電腦顧問服務。我們的電腦顧問服務隊伍經驗豐富,日以繼夜工作,確保委托我們管理的客戶能够享受到一個優質及健康的信息科技環境。Top Network電腦顧問將運用世界頂尖及發展最完善的信息自動化技術之一,隨時爲有需要的企業提供警衛服務。
IT 支援
節省成本,I.T. 外判. 中小企需要定期的電腦保養及維護,以確保系統及網絡於安全的情況下有效率地運作。 為此,Top Network 推出公司IT支援計劃。為中小企提供專業、快速的IT支援服務。
電腦 伺服器
電腦伺服器,一個管理資源並為使用者提供服務的電腦軟體,通常分為檔案伺服器(能使使用者在其它電腦存取檔案),資料庫伺服器和應用程式伺服器。 執行以上軟體的電腦。
電腦 Server
電腦Server,一個管理資源並為使用者提供服務的電腦軟體,通常分為檔案伺服器(能使使用者在其它電腦存取檔案),資料庫伺服器和應用程式伺服器。 執行以上軟體的電腦。
IT Support Service (中小企電腦保養)
我們的資訊科技支援團隊均擁有技術支援的工作經驗,除了具有專業的資訊科技知識,同時對商業營運有相當深入的瞭解。資訊科技支援團各有不同專長, 他們精通於Windows 和Linux。能為不同類型的客戶(中小企和大型企業) 提供不同的方案,以解決不同問題,所以中小企沒有自己的資訊科技部門,也能擁有相等於大機構的技術支援團隊。
IT Support 月費支援計劃
葵涌區 | ITS-C01 | ITS-C02 | ITS-C03 | ITS-C04 | ITS-C05 | ITS-C-S |
電腦保養數量 | 1-4台 | 5-9台 | 10-19台 | 20-29台 | 30-39台 | 40台以上 |
上門支援 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 |
電話支援 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 |
遠端支援 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 |
備份檢查監控 | 每月1次 | 每月1次 | 每月1次 | 每月1次 | 每月1次 | 每月1次 |
定期上門檢查 | N/A | N/A | 3個月1次 | 每月1次 | 每月1次 | 每月1次 |
提供電腦資財表 | 包括 | 包括 | 包括 | 包括 | 包括 | 包括 |
電郵及網頁寄存 | 4GB | 10GB | 40GB | 40GB | 100GB | 200GB |
月費 | $800 | $1250 | $1500起 | $2500起 | $3000起 | $4000起 |
立即查詢 | 立即查詢 | 立即查詢 | 立即查詢 | 立即查詢 | 立即查詢 |
- 一台伺服器以2台電腦或以上計算,一切以本公司最終之報價為準
- 只適用於一個地點,多點支援需另行報價
- 合妁期為3個月
- 葵涌區客戶尊享優惠
熱線: (852) 34905223
香港,九龍,新界 | ITS-D01 | ITS-D02 | ITS-D03 | ITS-D04 | ITS-D05 | ITS-D-S |
電腦保養數量 | 1-4台 | 5-9台 | 10-19台 | 20-29台 | 30-39台 | 40台以上 |
上門支援 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 |
電話支援 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 |
遠端支援 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 | 無限 |
備份檢查監控 | 每月1次 | 每月1次 | 每月1次 | 每月1次 | 每月1次 | 每月1次 |
定期上門檢查 | N/A | N/A | 3個月1次 | 每月1次 | 每月1次 | 每月1次 |
提供電腦資財表 | 包括 | 包括 | 包括 | 包括 | 包括 | 包括 |
電郵及網頁寄存 | 4GB | 10GB | 40GB | 40GB | 100GB | 200GB |
月費 | $1000 | $1500 | $1800起 | $2800起 | $3500起 | $4000起 |
立即查詢 | 立即查詢 | 立即查詢 | 立即查詢 | 立即查詢 | 立即查詢 |
- 一台伺服器以2台電腦或以上計算,一切以本公司最終之報價為準
- 只適用於一個地點,多點支援需另行報價
- 合妁期為3個月
熱線: (852) 34905223
IT Support服務範圍
Top Network致力維持卓越的最高標準,確保所提供的服務質量,並大大減少因IT而引起的業務風險。
1. 伺服器支援 / 電腦支援
- 操作系統重新安裝
- 操作系統配置
- 網絡及打印機配置
- 硬件安裝和配置
2. 系統安全 / 資料備份及還原
- 防毒軟件安裝及更新
- 系統更新
- 資料備份及還原
3. 軟件支援
- 桌面應用程式
- 電子郵件系統
- 互聯網瀏覽器
- 其他軟件包
4. 支援方式
- 無限電話服務支援
- 無限遠端操控支援
- 上門服務支援
Top Network提供點對點的IT服務和解決方案,以幫助商業公司開展業務。
除了電話支援及電郵支援外,Top Network 更使用 TeamViewer 遠端桌面技術,直接調查和快速解決問題,為您提供專業的IT技術支援服務。
請下載TeamViewer QuickSupport,讓 Top Network 技術支援人員為您進行遠端技術支援。
下載後開啟 TeamViewer QuickSupport
請向我們提供您的帳號及密碼。並且可與 Top Network 相關技術支援人員進行即時對話,並詢問相關技術問題。
請聯絡我們 : (852) 34905223
Top Network的IT電腦顧問服務著重理解客戶在商業上的策略及需要,利用科技去提高和配合企業的業務發展。我們深信業務發展與科技是緊扣而密不可分的,所以我們會瞭解傯背後的商業動機,為您的企業提供最切合企業需求的解決方案,以協助你解決問題。
Top Network擁有多年經驗的專業工程師,並精通於 Windows Server,Linux Server,VMWare虛擬化技術等。因應不的同需求,我們可為不同的客戶制定不同的解決方案。
- 檔案伺服器 (File Sharing Server)
- 備份伺服器 (Data Backup Server)
- 私有云端伺服器 (Own Cloud Server)
- FTP伺服器 (FTP Server)
- VPN伺服器 (VPN Server)
- 網站伺服器 (Web Server)
- 郵件伺服器 (Mail Server)
- Windows伺服器 (Windows Server)
- Linux伺服器 (Linux Server)
- Hyper-V虛擬伺服器 (Hyper-V Server)
- VMware虛擬伺服器 (VMware Server)


備份依照分類可分為完整備份、差異備份及增量備份,再配合其他工具軟體或拷貝複製指令,可變化出符合各種企業的備份需求。本公司可依需求提出建議,凡企業有備份還原問題,歡迎與本公司聯繫,本公司將規劃出適合 貴公司的備份還原需求。


- 借用原則: 先到先得
- 借用期限: 直到客戶的電腦修復完畢
- 一律費用全免
- 如在借用期間丟失整台硬件,用戶需負上全部責任,賠償金額視乎購買價而定。
- 如丟失部分零件,例如:電源器,用戶需根據零件損失照價賠償。
- 損壞賠償:如在借用期間硬件或零件受損,經Top Network鑒定再由借用者支付實際維修費用。
- 借用登記用戶需為硬件負全責,如有任何損壞或丟失,將追究其責任。
因此,請不要將硬件轉借他人,免招損失。 - 無論何時,切勿將硬件放置於無人看管的場所。 硬件歸還後,所有檔案會被立刻清除而系統會回復原有設定。
因此,所有丟失、清除或損壞的檔案,Top Network概不負責。 - 不要嘗試安裝未經許可或盜版的應用軟件。
- 因用戶使用不當而令檔案受病毒感染,Top Network概不負責。
- 不准對電腦上的軟件進行遷移,複製或拷貝。
除此之外, 我們還會檢查系統的防護性,確保防毒軟件的運作正常,檢查備份裝置以及更新保安漏洞,將風險減到最低。
- 檢查系統記錄檔,了解伺服器的健康狀況
- 檢查備份裝置 / 備份資料
- 清除系統暫存檔
- 檢查硬盤健康狀況 (S.M.A.R.T.)
- 偵查及清除病毒和間諜程式
- 更新系統安全補丁
電腦顧問服務 | IT顧問
除了IT Support電腦保養服務外,Top Network更為客戶提供IT顧問服務,一種一站式的IT技術解決方案。讓您可放心專注於自己的業務。
我們是您的IT部門,系統工程師,網絡管理員,IT顧問和項目經理。我們的目標是要為貴公司帶來最大價值,同時為您提供一個全面的企業 IT人力資源。 我們的客戶來自不同行業,例如醫療,物流,零售,貿易,金融服務和法律服務等等。我們可為不同的客戶制定不同的服務方案,因為我們知道每個客戶都是獨一無二的。
電腦顧問服務 | IT顧問服務包括
- 方案架構設計
- 資訊科技基礎設施顧問服務及項目管理
- 桌面電腦、手提電腦、伺服器、不間斷電源系统(UPS)、儲存系統方案及相關之軟件採購
- 多功能打印系統方案
- 網絡系統及保安解決方案,例如無線網絡 (Wiress)、交換器 (Switch)、防火牆(Firewall)及VPN等
- IT設備搬遷服務
- 提供一站式IT資訊科技解決方案,讓你無須要與不同公司協商和溝通,能讓你專心發展業務
- 表現超卓的項目團隊能確保項目能準時順利完成
- 提供不同的付款形式選擇,迎合顧客需要
- 資深的IT資訊科技團隊,可以減低運作風險,讓公司的工作無後顧之憂
查詢熱線: (852) 34905223